According to current official practice, the most important thing is for the Data Controller to initiate the official notification within 72 hours of becoming aware of the incident. Reporting the incident to the authorities in the format issued by NAIH means filling out a 26-page document.
The report can also be made online by the reporting party, where the information about the incident must be provided to the authority via an online form.
In the framework of the workshop, we interpret several incident situations together, get to know all the circumstances and evaluate the situations based on the GDPR incident definition.
Why Gill & Murry?
We have already dealt with incidents caused by many of our customers' accidental mistakes, external malicious attacks, poor organization, and unpreparedness for GDPR. We experienced in reality what the Friday afternoon incident alert is like. We have handled many cases that at first glance seemed like a lost ax, but after careful consideration, a defensible position could be documented to the NAIH and the activity following the incident was evaluated by the Authority and our client was not punished.
If you want to get to know this experience, we are waiting for you at our training!
2025. év képzési időpontok
2025. április 14.
2025. szeptember 8.
2025. december 1.
Who is it recommended for - Who is it mandatory for?
I want to minimize the risk of punishment
Those who want to report an incident to the authorities independently.
I want to complete the notification safely and completely.
Who wants to learn from the mistakes and experiences of others
Participants of our trainings, most often
Data Protection Officers
Data protection managers
SME executives
Operational directors of economic organizations
Managers responsible for information security of state organizations
IT managers
Information Security Managers
Training exercises
We present good practice in (anonymized) cases closed in a decision by a real authority. Emphasis is placed on introducing loopholes and hidden traps.
Training participants after completing the training
Will be able to:
Recognize a data breach;
To determine the method of notification;
Reports the incident that has occurred.

Summary of the parts of the GDPR related to incident management
Definition of the term data protection incident
Definition of data protection incident categories
Incident treatment in practice
This is how Gill & Murry does incident management
Example solution

Complete our training courses online
Training from your home! All our training courses are available via video link. With the help of Microsoft Teams, we make our marked training sessions available remotely.
All you will have to do is enter the online broadcast after completing the 2-3 steps described in the documentation received before the training with the help of an online video connection (suitable for using online movies or YouTube).
We continuously take the training with two cameras: One camera will broadcast the slides and the other camera will broadcast the speaker.
You will continuously hear and see the lecture and the questions of the students. You can also ask your questions about what was said in writing, to which the presenter will answer at regular intervals during the blocks.
1 person
Educational material
Examination fee
HUF 78,000 + VAT
2 Main
Educational material
Examination fee
HUF 148,200 + VAT
5% discount
Online participation
Educational material
Examination fee
HUF 74,000 + VAT/main