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Our customers are those who want to change their organization's internal processes where they can do it most efficiently. According to our understanding, increasing efficiency is nothing more than the release of wasted resources inherent in the organization.


We are managers with an engineering mindset and IT experience. We have already managed companies, we have also been subordinates, we have organized processes not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Over time, we got to know the different business activities in the government sector, the food industry, the office supplies, the construction industry, computer technology and many other areas, and from an external perspective we successfully explored opportunities to increase efficiency, which in many cases were already there as opportunities. in the company's internal processes.

We carry out our work on the basis of domestic and international recommendations, and in terms of metrics, we use the requirements of the standards and frameworks applicable to individual industries.


Gill & Murry Kft.

H-1023 Budapest, 26-28 Prince Árpád út.

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Glass Buildings
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